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Zur Kasse

6 Ergebnisse.

Después de lo trans

DUVAL, Elizabeth
Después de lo trans

Hasta el coño de lo trans. Así está Elizabeth Duval. Cansada de ser la jovencísima activista antes que la escritora o la filósofa. Está harta y de ese mismo aborrecimiento nace la rabia que mueve este libro, el último de sus esfuerzos para desprenderse del sambenito de lo trans. Pero esto no es una autoficción ni mucho menos un panfleto que pueda repetirse sin digerir. Después d...

CHF 31.00

Nach trans

Duval, Elizabeth / Donnerberg, Luisa
Nach trans
Immer mehr Menschen identifizieren sich nicht mit dem Geschlecht, das ihnen bei Geburt zugewiesen wurde. Die Debatte um ein neues Selbstbestimmungsgesetz wird zunehmend heftiger geführt - nicht zuletzt innerhalb der LGBTQ-Community wie auch in Teilen des Feminismus und der Linken. Kein Wunder, schließlich handelt es sich bei der Einteilung in Frau und Mann um eine der weitreichendsten sozialen Unterscheidungsformen. Trans sprengt dieses Muster...

CHF 33.50

My Father's Voice

Duval, Janice Elizabeth
My Father's Voice
When I became a Christian, at age 19, I was like many people who did not really know God as he is - a loving and gracious father. I accepted the Lord that Sunday in a small Baptist Church in a little town in Pennsylvania and continued to just go to church and listen to the pastor huff and puff without any meaningful deposit of spiritual information for growth. In my young adulthood I lived my life, independent of a personal relationship with G...

CHF 69.00

My Father's Voice

Duval, Janice Elizabeth
My Father's Voice
Many years ago when I became a Christian, I was like many people who did not really know God as he is-a loving and gracious father. When my family and I moved to Kansas and then to Oklahoma, it was right in the midst of the Charismatic Renewal. It was at the point in my life I began to see God in a totally different way. I did not realize that he loved me, Jan Duval. I certainly did not know that he wanted to talk to me personally! As I studie...

CHF 72.00